Mt. Tabor Learning Solutions
Addressing root causes of dyslexia, math, attention issues
Davis® Attention Mastery Program

Are you imaginative and creative, but have difficulty translating those ideas into action?
Do you struggle with focus and paying attention?
Do you have a weak sense of the passage of time?
Is organization a struggle for you?
Brief description:
Individuals struggling with attention issues are usually highly imaginative and creative; however, they are likely missing some basic life concepts. These missing concepts may prevent them from carrying out their ideas and achieving what they've envisioned.
Missing concepts result from a tendency to become disoriented easily (lost in thought). While disoriented the individual is focused on his/her thoughts and does not take in basic life lessons happening around him and, thus, does not internalize key concepts such as change, cause and effect, consequence, sequence, responsibility, order/disorder, before/after or a sense of time.
Focusing Tools:
In this program clients learn a simple technique to become truly focused within seconds, giving the client control over when s/he is oriented (tuned in to the outside world) and disoriented (lost in thought).
Foundational Concepts:
Clients explore, create and practice the afore-mentioned life concepts until they become understood and a part of them.

Foundational Skills Learned:
Ability to create and monitor a focused state
Ability to regulate one's energy level, matching it to the task at hand.
Ability to tell time, use a calendar and understand the relationship between an oriented state and accurately estimating the passage of time.
An understanding and appreciation of one's own learning style and a recognition of the gifts that are inherent.
An understanding of order vs. disorder with a tool to implement order according to 9 point plan.
Ability to understand and address undesirable behaviors, creating a new order of behavior and a plan to follow.